Grow with a Marketing Strategy
How I Can Help Your Business Grow
Marketing Guidance for Growing Organisations
As a business owner, have you been doing the heavy lifting for your marketing for the past few years? Is it time to have an expert look at your marketing mix and provide insights on opportunities and room for growth?
Marketing Items to Review
Does your branding align with your target audience and product set? Is the branding you launched when you started still right for your current growth phase?
Has your go-to-market changed? How do your products, services, target audience and pricing strategy stack up?
Marketing Mix
Are your marketing channels right for your business goals? Do you have the right mix of marketing tactics to get you to where you need to be?
How much do you spend on marketing each year? Do you track this accurately?
Have you got a data strategy to help inform marketing and sales decisions?
Tools and processes
Do you have the right marketing technology, tools and processes in place?