More traffic online means more people know about you

You've had a website created, but now what? You need to get your website in front of people so that your awareness can increase in your target audience. Knowing how to send traffic to your website can be the tricky part, we can't just sit and wait for people to Google your business name or URL, so how can we help drive incremental traffic to your website?

For existing businesses with websites, you need to consider that it is important to have a diverse source of website traffic. If the majority of your website traffic comes from one source at the moment (e.g. Facebook or SEO), you run the risk of having a huge drop in traffic if something changes in relation to that platform - for example laws, regulations and algorithms.

New website content

Adding new website content on a regular basis is great for a few reasons. Every time you publish new content on your website, you are creating another page for the Search Engines to index. This means that there are more chances for your website to show in search results when people are searching for things you are writing about. Generally, this is an easy way to enhance your SEO efforts.

When deciding what new content to add, blog or news pages are the easiest. Don't know what to write about? Here are some hints!

  1. Make a mind map of all the services or products you sell.

  2. Off each product or service, write three things that are related to this topic.

  3. Every time you go to write a blog post, try and relate it back to these topics.

Not only does the above make it easy to choose a blog topic, but it also helps align your content to similar 'pillars' of content.

Images and videos are also an easy way to add new content to your website. Generally speaking, businesses should be creating new images, videos and photos regularly. You need to use this content on your social media and choose some to upload to the relevant pages on your website! Make sure you add in the relevant alt text, caption and descriptions!

Social media

Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and even Tik Tok are all great opportunities to drive traffic to your website! If your website is a core part of your selling process (e.g. that is where you sell your products or take enquires), your sales-led posts should have a call to action back to your website.

Examples include:

  • Book online

  • Buy now

  • Learn more

  • Read more

  • Download now

  • and so on.

Once you have the post's call to action, make sure as many people as possible see your posts. Consider using video content instead of static, including well-researched hashtags, and collaborating with other businesses. All three of these tactics will assist in broadening your reach.

If you use Instagram as the main traffic driver, you might need to consider a Link In Bio solution for people to easily access the relevant links for each post. Here are two platforms that do this: Later,, you can read more on the Influencer Marketing Hub's website.

Paid online advertising

Of course, paid advertising is a fantastic way to drive traffic. However, you need to make sure that the traffic you are driving is high quality, it's not all about the quantity!

Once you have created your target personas, and know what kind of audience you want on your website, the next step is deciding where you can reach them.

Of course, there is social media and Google advertising, both should be considered when weighing up the platforms you are going to spend your advertising budget on. Despite this, there are other platforms besides Facebook and Google that may be valuable to your business.

If you do decide that advertising is a suitable marketing tactic for your business, you will need to ensure that you have the correct content to put on the platform. For example, if you want to advertise on Youtube, TikTok or within video sections on Instagram, you will need video content that seems native to that platform. Conversely, if Spotify is somewhere you want to advertise, you will need an audio advertisement. Relevant content is key to successful advertising (along with targeting)!

Email marketing

Email marketing is SO effective when used correctly. Your email list is arguably one of your most valuable assets. Your email list is full of people who have signed up to receive communication from you; customers, potential customers, past customers and more! Further to that, it is something that you own, so protect it and leverage it as much as possible.

Once you have a strategy in place and know where email marketing fits into your marketing mix, make plans to regularly engage with customers. Within the emails you are sending, use your call to actions to drive traffic back to your website. Add links back to your blog posts, downloadable content or your online store.